Implementing TWI – Part 2 – Where Should I start?

In Part 1 of our series on implementing TWI, we recommended focusing your efforts on implementing JI or on JI and JR, concurrently.  In part 2, we’ll answer the question: where should I start?  Our recommendation is to select a pilot area that’s small enough to prevent diluting your training efforts and somewhat contained to be able to see the impact of your efforts.  It must also be large enough, however, Continue reading

Demonstration and Practice Repetitions in the JI 4-Step Method – Key Learnings

The post on how many repetitions are best in JI resulted in several key learnings for me. I contacted numerous people I have trained as a Master JI Trainer to see if they are using the 3 reps for Present the Operation- 4 reps for Try Out Performance. All of them said it depends. The consensus was Continue reading