Implementing TWI – Part 2 – Where Should I start?

In Part 1 of our series on implementing TWI, we recommended focusing your efforts on implementing JI or on JI and JR, concurrently.  In part 2, we’ll answer the question: where should I start?  Our recommendation is to select a pilot area that’s small enough to prevent diluting your training efforts and somewhat contained to be able to see the impact of your efforts.  It must also be large enough, however, that the results will be meaningful and important to the organization.

When you select your pilot, make sure you set improvement goals with quantifiable objectives that address important performance issues.  Developing goals and objectives based on the critical results will provide focus and motivation for the project.  Make sure you include timing for your objectives because that will help later as you create a timetable for training.  With careful selection of your initial training tasks, you should be able to see an impact on your metrics and movement toward your goals even within the first week of training.

Our next topic to be covered in part 3 we’ll answer the question:  Who should be trained in the first workshops?