Quality Improvement and Lead Time Reduction in Oil and Gas Industry

A manufacturer of dehydrators used on natural gas well heads was experiencing quality and delivery issues due to turnover and a lack of training of their people. In response to these issues, they trained several dozen people on the 4-Step JI method of instruction and chose to initially focus on improving the first time quality of their Continue reading

Productivity Improvement and Learning Curve Reduction in the Aerospace Industry

A defense contractor was experiencing significant difficulty manufacturing an extremely complex component of a missile system. The organization was working over 8 hours per day 7 days a week shipping on average 2 units per week. Customer requirement were being missed. Rework costs were running $2,400 per unit and in the last batch of 15 sent to final test, all 15 failed. The supervisor decided to try using Job Instruction to at retrain the assembler on the job. Continue reading